Why I’m “Newly Wed, Not Dead”

Since our wedding day, all I’ve heard is “How’s married life?” and “Getting ready for a little one?” I have found myself getting defensive and aggressive in my answers. It’s not that I don’t want to talk about married life. On the contrary, I LOVE gushing about my husband, our dog, and our life as a little family of three….but when I say that, their questions are followed up with, “Ah! Still in the honeymoon phase I see!” So basically, according to my friends, family, and those who love asking these types of questions, there are two stages of marriage: the honeymoon phase and the terrifying “ball-and-chain” future.

The inspiration for this blog came from the (very conscious) decision I made to not be the kind of wife that complains about her husband to any friend who will listen and, at the same time, I will not feel pressure to have a baby simply because of the band on my left ring finger. I’m not going to try to keep up with the Jones’ since there’s a 50% chance that they’ll be divorced anyway.

The thing is, I’m newly wed, but I definitely haven’t been put out to pasture living out the rest of our marriage cooking, cleaning, and probably whining about my husband. I’m not ready to get a joint email address, a minivan, and a pair of maternity jeans, just like my husband isn’t ready to retreat to his man cave and stop bringing me flowers.

I want to blog about the new chapter we’ve begin, because I couldn’t find many blogs with tips about how to be a happy, independent, and ambitious twenty-something couple. I’m not ready for mom blogs, and I’m definitely past the early-20s sites. I’m somewhere in between, and I couldn’t be happier. I’m newly wed, but my social life, my career, and my married life are so far from dead.